Hollow or flexible tubes in PVC and polyethylene (PE) are mainly used in the food industry.
Rigid tubes, made of PVC, polyethylene (PE) and polypropylene (PP), are produced for a variety of fields including mechanical, hydraulic and building.
Magaplast, a company leader in the production of plastic core and plastic tubes, operates in the districts of Monza, Brianza and Como.
Flexible and rigid profiles, made of PVC, polyethylene (PE) and polypropylene (PP), are widely used in the furniture industry to fulfil aesthetic and functional needs.
Pipings and cords are produced in various sizes, filled, holed, with and without wig. They are available in various colours and transparencies to satisfy whatever aesthetic and functional requirements.
Double profiles are used as finishing for armchairs and, thanks to their peculiar shapes, all the staples used during the application disappear.
Chosen with satisfaction by most of the small and large upholstery companies, edged pipings are available in various measures.
Extrusion of plastic materials for production of tubes and profiles in PVC, PP and PE.